
In times of globalization and migration, English language skills no longer suffice in the long run to build a career in Germany.

Your employees or you would like to learn or improve your German language skills and unlock new professional opportunities? This can range from business-related terminology to better writing skills for e-mails and reports to being confident on the phone.

Or would you or your employees like to have a better communication with your German-speaking environment to enhance your interactions here in Germany? In other words, linguistic behavior adapted to the situation. Socializing is always easier when you know about the "why" of many German habits, conventions or institutions.


I will offer you the most proficient and experienced support with these concerns.

In my first job as a certified translator and certified interpreter English/Spanish, I have intensively worked together with engineers, computer scientists and lawyers in the field of technical documentation and translations in their specific professional environment. I have experienced how differently non-linguists deal with foreign languages.

All my life I have been learning languages through different types of education - through school, university studies, private language schools. And many stays abroad. I know which obstacles and difficulties may arise and how to handle them with appropriate learning strategies - adapted to my customer’s specific abilities.

Those who only speak their own mother tongue do not understand the possible difficulties that can arise when learning a foreign language.

This led me to my second profession: After my university education "German as a Foreign Language" I am now an enthusiastic teacher of German.

I teach German to you or your staff just as you need it - as a unique human being with an individual learning style and individual learning goals.