German Lessons

I teach small groups or individuals in your company or institution.

Group sizes of up to 10 participants are ideal to make good progress.

If required, I can offer you my certification by the German Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

I like to work with a book complying with the European language syllabus A1-C1, as it literally gives the participant a guideline and a piece of orientation.

However, I also frequently put the book aside to adapt and customize the lessons and syllabus to my customer’s specific needs and abilities so that we can focus on the individual learning and training of what matters to them most. This may range from presentations, work reports, role plays, pronunciation training, job-related German language skills and speaking behavior to the development and enhancement of generally more German language skills.

We’re aiming for a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere in the classroom. Learning and understanding grow better with time for laughter.

The background of German cultural conventions and habits frequently surfaces in my lessons. The different mentality and lifestyles of other nationalities can be respected and appreciated best when the underlying reasons are understood. At the same time it increases the awareness of one's own cultural background.