Customer testimonials

My customers include major industrial corporations in Munich and institutions of the City of Munich. 

WHat my customers say about my lessons:

I did not know that learning German could be so much fun.
— Anita, Economist, 31, Crotatia
I was so afraid to use the office phone. It got much better after the role-plays.
— Anh To, Accountant, 27, Vietnam
One can ask you anything and never feel embarrassed. That’s a good feeling for learning.
— Helen, 38, Ghana
You impart your knowledge in such a clearly structured way and can always explain all questions to me in a great way.
— Elena, Software Analyst, 35, Rumania
Thank you for explaining to us why many things are handled and practiced in Germany in this way. Now I understand the mentality and way of life much better. Here in Germany but also of my home country.
— Karina, Systems Engineer, 34, Bolivia